Our Thanksgiving Message


Our Thanksgiving Message

My oldest son and my ex-wife will be traveling to Edinburgh Scotland tomorrow to attend his graduation from a virtual masters program on Friday. In preparation for this momentous event, I decided to brush up on my Scottish history by - of course - watching the popular movie Braveheart. In this epic story, William Wallace loses the love of his life and devotes the rest of his short life to defending one singular idea. FREEDOM was his last word before making the ultimate sacrifice for his fellow Scots.

With so much going on in the world, I cannot help but be thankful for how much we have in Hartford, Connecticut, and America. I do not have family in the Middle East, but my heart goes out to those who have been devastated by the conflict between the rival factions. I am grateful for the four day cease fire and hope that this brief respite will last longer than the current pledge. Conflict seems to be a given constant in our “modern” world. I sometimes wonder why we even teach history in school when it seems inevitable that we will repeat our mistakes from the past.

COVID-19 brought me out of my inner shell and I constantly marvel at the fish, birds, and even turtles during my (almost) daily hikes. The traditional turkey dinner is NOT what was served by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoags during their famous three day feast. I can now see the free range turkey - or free-range anything, for that matter - as the most beautiful sight at any time of year. I may be starting to appreciate why my oldest son has made the transition from carnivore to herbivore. Very Happy Thanksgiving!

All [wo]men die. Most [wo]men never really live. - Mel Gibson as William Wallace




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