
Showing posts from February 9, 2021

Four Letter Words: Not THOSE Ones!

I recently saw a piece of research indicating that using four letter words was a sign of intelligence. The article I read was referring to swearing and how the brain processes vocabulary, challenge, and failure. The words described below are technically "four letter words," but their  meanings are more subtle - and perhaps more powerful - than randomly blurted expletives. Photo by  Ugur Arpaci  on  Unsplash Fear Fear paralyzes us when we have an important decision to make about our immediate future. We have all heard the phrase (or physically witnessed) about the deer in the headlights. Another fear-based reaction (or no, action in this case) is referred to as analysis paralysis. As a recovering engineer, I know too well how tempting it is to crunch just one more number or to review just one more report. The reality is that we will never have all the information we would like to make the "perfect" decision. Pete Winarski from Win Enterprises recently reminded some o