
Showing posts from January 27, 2021

Treasury Yields: An Historical Perspective

  The Dream Team The changing of the guard in political arenas is always an entertaining show. This time around, there are some very seasoned and knowledgeable characters in the cast. 2020 threw us one of the biggest curveballs ever in the form of a healthcare crisis that spans the planet and has potentially devastating repercussions. Jerome Powell is the Chair of the Federal Open Market Committee. His hand has been on the "tiller" of the FOMC since 2017. Janet Yellen is the new Treasury Secretary. She is the former Chair of the FOMC  from 2014 to 2017. Anthony Fauci, MD is the chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden. These three individuals 1  are a small subset of the team assembled to help us combat the evolution of COVID-19 and the unique financial challenges to our economy and capital markets. Their education, experience, and perspective will give us the best chance of putting this pandemic behind us and returning our economy to a new growth phase. Yield Or Price It