
Showing posts from August 4, 2021

Hey Batter: How Many Swings Per Run?

For those of us in Red Sox Nation, the second half of summer has typically brought the beginning of the end. This is the point in the baseball season that our beloved Boston Red Sox tend to slowly - and steadily - drift from the top of the standings toward the middle as we approach the critical days entering autumn. More than a decade ago, my oldest son said to me over breakfast: "Dad, this is the year." That is when I knew he joined the ranks of the hopeless Red Sox loyalists. PLAY BALL! Baseball Is A Game Of Statistics The major league baseball season usually includes 162 regular season games over 26+ weeks and up to 43 postseason matchups to determine the World Series winner. That is a LOT of baseball. As a parent of three wonderful boys, I could barely make it through a spring as a bleacher creacher during Little League season. Thank goodness they (mostly) made the jump to lacrosse where the games are measured in minutes instead of innings! One of the reasons that basebal