
Showing posts from February 28, 2024

Strategic Versus Tactical Asset Allocation

  Source : FRED Data, JQR Capital The Market Portfolio A few weeks ago we introduced a cash asset to augment our efficient frontier set of bond plus stock portfolios.The cash asset allowed us to combine cash with the one portfolio along the efficient frontier that had the highest return versus risk (AKA the Sharpe Ratio). This one portfolio can be thought of as the tangency portfolio or - more commonly - the market portfolio (MP). The mix of bonds versus stocks in the MP will change over time with changes in interest rates and changes in expected returns for our bond and stock indices. The chart below is a quick snapshot of how the risk free rate of cash interest (Rf) interacts with the efficient frontier to create the market portfolio (MP) at only one point in time. This snapshot was taken a few weeks ago. Source : FRED Data, JQR Capital Introducing Naive Forecasting  The chart shown above was generated using average return and risk data over the 1973 to 2022 time period. The hardest