
Showing posts from March 17, 2021

Women Are From Venus? Men Are From Mars!

I must admit that I have some catching up to do.  Not only did I miss the fanfare surrounding International Women's Day on March 1st, but I have yet to acknowledge that March is (among other things) Women's History month. There is a reason for my delay. It is not an excuse, but I think that since females make up roughly 50% of our population that half of the days, weeks, or months of the year should be dedicated to the amazing women who have helped us survive and thrive through these turbulent times. I am a firm believer in equal pay, equal rights, and equal opportunity - for ALL. Women Are From Venus? Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Her mythical powers were claimed to ensure victory on the battlefield and love in the bedroom. Clearly, worshiping her was a prerequisite before bringing males and females together in holy matrimony. Roman mythology suggests that Venus was born of sea foam. Venus is also the name of the second planet from our sun. It is the brightes