
Showing posts from February 16, 2021

The Physics Of Alpine Skiing

There are few things in life more enjoyable than the adrenaline rush of flying down a mountain strapped to nothing more than a pair of boards. Cold snow runs through my veins and I cannot remember a winter when I did not ski, sled, or toboggan. My guess is that snowboards provide similar thills for their riders, but I can only provide perspective as a lifelong two planker. Two Parts Of A Turn People who have slid around a mountain with me know that one of favorite pop quizes is to ask my athletes: can you name the two parts of a turn? Just like anything, there are an infinite number of ways to describe an activity. My approach has always been to start with a birds eye view and to stick with the KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid). With that in mind, there are exactly two parts to any turn made with skis on a snow covered mountain:  (1) the "risk your life" part of the turn and (2) the "save your life" part of the turn. This may seem like an oversimplification to