
Showing posts from December 6, 2023

Asset Allocation 101

Asset Allocation 101 The last several weeks we discussed a stock selection technique using multiple factors to rank our large selection pool into a more ordered (and smaller) portfolio of attractive candidates. This week we start a series of posts discussing a potentially more powerful - and important - part of our investment process called asset allocation… What Is Asset Allocation? When confronted with the dessert table at a holiday dinner, we often have to make the choice of which piece of pie to put on our plate. We could go “all in” on our favorite (pumpkin pie anyone?). Or we could take a sliver of more than one - not knowing how that pecan pie turned out this year after the adventure on the last go around. Another consideration could be whose feelings might be hurt if we do not at least try their latest creation. From a financial standpoint, the parallels to pie varieties are the general categories into which we can invest our hard earned dollars. There are countless ways to div