
Showing posts from November 1, 2023

Perhaps Size Really Does Matter!

Source : CFA Institute, JQR Capital Perhaps Size Really Does Matter! The chart shown above is the long term (95 years) growth of $1 when invested in several different asset classes. It is often referred to as the Ibbotson SBBI chart - where SBBI stands for Stocks, Bonds, Bills, and Inflation. The asset classes depicted here include small capitalization US stocks, large capitalization US stocks, long term US corporate bonds, long term US government bonds, intermediate term US government bonds, and 30 US treasury bills (AKA cash). There are a few different themes from this chart that stand out to me: All asset classes showed positive growth over a very long investing period. The least risky asset class (cash) BARELY beats out inflation over the long haul. The more risk an investor is willing to take, the larger the ultimate gain. Sometimes it takes an iron stomach to finally earn the rewards. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Now Taking A Cross Section The SBBI data and