
Showing posts from October 25, 2023

Once Upon A Time...

Once Upon A Time... Those are the words often used to begin a fairy tale. Fairy tales often start in an idyllic setting and finish with a happy ending. They invariably feature a fairly family-friendly theme and provide an underlying moral to the story. Unicorns and rainbows come immediately to mind when thinking about fairy tales. Goldilocks, Cinderella, and Little Red Riding Hood are some of my all-time favorites that can be found in any public library or on the Disney Channel. Here is a more complete list of fairy tales from around the world. The legend of Thomas A. Carroll The Race is a portion of Long Island Sound between Fishers Island and Plum Island. It is one of four gaps through which all of the tidal waters from Long Island Sound fill and drain twice each day in their moon-driven cycles. Because the depths change so rapidly in this part of the sound, the currents are constantly swirling and the waves can get pretty choppy. Ang